Shame keeps us safe and captive. Self-trust keeps us safe and free.

My Coaching Fundamentals


Adult self-trust brings you back to your inner authority, reconnecting you with your body's signals and rebuilding a trusting relationship with yourself. This self-trust empowers you to reach for your goals with confidence.

The aim here is to build trust in yourself. Even when it does not make sense. Maybe especially when it does not make sense.


Each coaching step is purposeful, powerful, and transformative. It reconnects you with forgotten dreams, releases unhelpful fears, propels you towards unmet goals, liberates you from limiting relationships, and much more.

No cookie-cutter approaches or clichés. It's all about crafting an individualized strategic plan that truly serves your needs.

Should Shedding

Our work together liberates you from the burdens of societal expectations. You gave up belonging to yourself a long time ago for the validation and love of others. We unearth the authentic version of you and set that untamed Self free.

The goal here is to throw out the rule book, set yourself free. It's a journey back to your essence, a homecoming.

“By the first session, I already felt a huge breath of fresh air and could feel myself starting to build towards the change I needed. I saw how capable I am of getting what I want out of life.”

Noah A.


  • Therapy explores past experiences and traumas shaping our beliefs, while coaching focuses on the present and future, helping you overcome obstacles and pursue the life you crave. If you're in pain or processing trauma, therapy is recommended. For pursuing goals, shifting relationships, finding your voice, adjusting mindset, or realigning with yourself, life coaching is for you.

  • This is highly personalized and could include career shifts, communication goals, relationship aspirations, life transitions (e.g. divorce or job loss), self-talk improvement, skill acquisition (e.g., learning an instrument), habit-breaking, physical activity goals, boundary-setting, confidence-building, chronic indecision, and more.

  • That's completely fine. Trust that your body and mind are signaling a need for support. Simply getting on a call together to explore further can be a first step. We'll delve into it together before you decide on a full coaching series.

  • All coaching sessions are conducted online, accommodating any location or time zone.

  • Yes! If you wish to continue our work together at the conclusion of your coaching series, please let me know.